Sunday, April 13, 2008




(A note: After confirmation of my problem, I immediately consulted my doctor who had several tests done. None came back positive for any parasite even though one of the samples I took them had what looked like a dead on in it. The lab merely glanced over it and claimed it was mucus. Readers will have to make their own mind up as to the reality of the situation.)

I am appalled. All my life I have dealt with strange discomfort, cramping and constipation in my large intestine. To think that the medical establishment turned a blind eye to a basic problem that has plagued mankind since the beginning of time. A blind eye that lets many people suffer from unnecessary diseases. My brother is probably missing most of his large intestine because of medical practitioners who have ignored this plague of mankind. I am talking about parasites.

My most recent episode started about six months ago. After a lifetime of having intestinal distress, some haunting fatigue had crept into my life. I just couldn’t shake it. I increased my protein intake. I started more exercising. I was very careful in getting proper rest. Finally, I decided to do a three day apple fast as described in the book: The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy by Harold J. Reilly and Ruth Hagy Brod.

I started this about the third Friday in March (2006). I wasn’t much of a proponent of fasting since, other then my intestines, I had enjoyed fairly good health most of my life and really saw no need for it. But after having some positive reactions from toxins and gunk being released, I was starting to get into this.

I decided that to get the most out of the fast, I would do a probiotic implant on the last day to help my intestines. With this in mind, I made a fresh batch of special probiotic yogurt and mixed about a cup of it with filtered water to fill a two quart enema bag. Everything went as planned. The implant was massive, filling my large intestine with those friendly little acidophilus bugs. I did this mid afternoon.

Later that evening since the fast was over, I had a light meal and watched a movie. About eleven o’clock I started getting a massive gut ache. Finally, by twelve or one in the morning, I could not stand it any longer. I decided that I over did this fasting and cleansing stuff and that the implant had finished me off. My large intestines had two massive aching knots in them, one at the hepatic flexure and one at the splenic flexure. I decided that the only thing I could do short of going to the hospital was to do an emergency enema to clean out the implant.

Ah! Relief from the pain. I knew that not much had gone into the toilet except for the water from the enema and maybe a little material. I looked to see and found a recently dead round worm about twelve to fourteen inches long! My bowel emptied some more and a couple more dead round worms. Shock took over my psychology.

I had read in different references that these not so little guys could “smell” milk and go right to it. Apparently the yogurt was irresistible to them and they had left their shelter which lead to their untimely death. Or maybe the fast and cleansing had dislodged them from their hiding places. This must have been what was causing my massive gut ache. Apparently when they die, they gave off some toxins that promote this pain and cramping. Thinking about it now, I think that they give off toxins when they die to cause bloating and cramping so that some of their offspring can get foot hold on life in the intestine.

I was still in shock. I live in the United States. As an adult, I had asked at least ten different doctors about parasites and the possibility of causing my chronic intestinal pain. They mostly shrugged it off, offering little or no comment. But now, even though I had real evidence, I was still in the state of denial. How could this be so in our squeaky clean society? How come our medical establishment had never even prescribed a lab test for parasites just to check? Questions like this ran through my mind for several hours before I went to sleep.

The next day I called in sick. I could have easily gone to work physically but psychologically wasn’t up to any work. That was my first sick day in over five years at my current job. I just couldn’t deal with what I had expelled the night before. But, I had to make the commitment to deal with this head on.

I really didn’t quite know exactly what pest I was dealing with except that they must be round worms. They weren’t segregated. The few reference books I had read and my previous experience on the farm told me they were round worms. I couldn’t identify exactly which one since I had no first hand experience in dealing with parasite identification since being on the farm in my youth. Plus, the sample was deteriorated from being in the intestines. I couldn’t keep calling in sick. I just had to deal with this personally. I immediately implemented a hastily thought out plan to get rid of these guys. I would continue a very light diet of vegetable and fruit juice most of the day and a very light meal while at work. This would keep my energy level up.

To kill of these little critters, I would take about one rounded teaspoon of food grade Diatomaceous earth and some parasite cleansing herbs at bed time on an empty stomach and again when I got up a few hours later. I would also work in some bulk like Psyllium husk and ground flax seed to help move things along. Mid morning I would have some fruit juice. Then, mid day to late afternoon, I would have some vegetable juice. Later I would have a small meal. This would give me the best of the fasting and cleansing world while enabling me to continue working a full time job.

By Wednesday, it was obvious that I would have to do a small enema to get the plumbing running. Guess what led the pack. That’s right, some more dead round worms. This continued for the rest of the week. On Friday, since I have Fridays off, I started a stricter fast for the weekend.

By now, I had gone to the store and bought what parasite cleanse they had to kill these guys. I did a colon cleanse each day over the weekend. For about 24 hours the flatulence expelled smelled like a very dead animal. Since I am a long time vegetarian, I can only conclude that it was some worms dying off.

Massive amount of parasites came out by the globs for two days. There is a picture of one of these globs in the picture section that follows. These globs were full of worms from small to large and of various descriptions. I hesitate to guess how many were in a glob but probably well over a hundred. Unbelievable! My shock continued. One little piece looked really suspicious. It looked like what my reference books described as an egg capsule from a tape worm only giant size. Big worms, thread worms, pin worms, and who knows what. They all appeared in the toilet. I had to deal with this.

I must point out that by now, my sinuses were the clearest they have ever been in my memory since I was about five years old. There was some clarity very deep in the tissue in my nose. I can only conclude that these pesky little devils must secrete poisons that mess up the sinuses. That would cause the affected individual to constantly be touching their nose with their hands, promoting the continuing infection of the parasite.

I continued on my modified fasting while I worked the following days. About fifteen days into this, I started looking real pale and feeling real down and out. I was now beginning to question if I had chosen the right path. Day sixteen, seventeen and eighteen go past. My friends were commenting to my wife and even to me on how bad I looked. They didn’t mention how bad I smelled but even I could smell the toxins coming out of my skin. Of course, I could not say too much. Who is going to just blurt out that they are dealing with parasites in their life?

Day nineteen. It is late evening and I am at work since I am working swing shift. Suddenly, I had to go to the bathroom. Like NOW! I had a gigantic bowel movement. Within the next twelve hours, I lost twelve to fifteen pound of body weight to the toilet. Again, I am thinking to myself, UNBELIEVABLE! That word, unbelievable, had taken over my vocabulary by now.

Those who know me know that I have always been skinny. Before day nineteen, I was weighing in at about one hundred thirty eight to one hundred forty pounds. After day nineteen, I was down to one hundred twenty five to one hundred twenty seven pounds. I suddenly felt great. I had some intuitive feeling of immunity from everyday disease. That is not to say I thought that I would never get sick.

But what about all of that weight I lost? Inspection of my body showed that most of it came off of my waist and hips. Over the last forty years, I had put on several inches of “fat” around on my stomach. Actually, it probably wasn’t fat. It was probably toxins, chemicals, and left over metabolic products the body couldn’t deal with so it stored it there, out of the way. My modified cleansing program had done a job I hadn’t even thought of. My original intention was to get my energy back and when this parasite problem showed up, getting rid of it. I had the additional benefit of detoxifying my body and creating a state of health I hadn’t had for years. My waist went from thirty three or thirty four inches to twenty nine.

After the first few days into this experience I had decided that I needed professional help on cleaning up my large intestine. I had read Stay Young & Healthy Through Internal Cleansing by Millan Chessman about two years before. Millan has been a professional colon hydro therapist for over twenty years. Her valuable and extensive experience could be a great help to me. I gave her a call and scheduled a seven day fasting retreat at her facilities for the third week in May. As the days passed by, I was anxious to get this over with. I realized that I had exhibited symptoms of parasites for all of my life since I was a young child.

My formative years from one to seven were spent living in a two room log house or cabin. No running water. The outhouse was set maybe one hundred feet from the back door at most. The setting was at the base of some high foot hills leading into very high mountains. Beautiful pine, fir and tamarack trees populated the hillsides as far as the eye could see. A brisk stream about two hundred feet away was our water supply. Truly a place I would love to live today just for the serenity of it. Unfortunately, no precautions of any kind were taken to insure the water was safe to drink.

I do not hold it against my parents. They were merely doing what they had learned from their parents and grand parents who had been the first settlers of European decent to settle in this area in the latter part of the eighteen hundreds. To them, the water was pure. I still think of it as pure.

Now I think back about my extended family, friends, classmates and neighbors. Many of them exhibited signs of parasites. Intestinal disturbances like constipation and diarrhea were common topics of discussion among them. I realize now that other tattletale signs were there to see for those who are sensitive to finer energies of the body. I could see these signs but did not know what they meant. Not much was said about it during our large family holiday gatherings but individually, each complained. Many had gone to a doctor with no resolve.

Probably one of the worst affected was my brother. He had chronic intestinal disturbances all of his early adult life. Finally, the medical establishment convinced him to have most of his large intestine removed. That was about twenty years ago now but even then I was aware that parasites could have been a major contributor to the problem. Apparently the doctors did do some minimal testing for parasites but let it go. Today, I know that the chances of confirming a parasite infection from a single stool sample are pretty poor. Many times it takes prolonged and repeated testing to find some of them.

As an example, I personally took a stool sample down to a lab with a dead round worm imbedded in the stool. I have a picture of the sample to back up my claim. The lab techs looked a little perplexed when I told them what was in the sample. The results they sent back to my medical doctor stated that the material in question was “mucus”. My doctor gave me a little lecture about jumping to conclusions about things I didn’t know about. I have several examples of what they called “mucus” that are over a foot long and are definitely a worm of some type! I personally know about these samples since they came from my own intestine. I took my doctor another sample a few weeks later. He hymned and hawed for a little bit and then through up his hands and said this was beyond his expertise. He referred me to a gastroenterologist. At least he was honest about it.

Another thing that helped the parasite population in my fellow countrymen was the food we ate. Wild game was regularly consumed. Fresh fish from streams and lakes were consumed less often but still could have been a contributor.

One has to remember that modern kitchens with running water were still new in the rural population of the Western United States. Ovens in the old wood stoves did not always have constant reliable heat. In the summer time, these stoves were used minimally because of the build up of heat in the house. Fans were few and far between. I never saw a house with air conditioning until I was about fourteen years old. That house was the talk of the countryside.

I do have some problems with the medical establishment. Parasites are a common problem throughout the world. They attack about every animal on the planet. In agriculture classes we learned to treat farm animals for parasites routinely. Even the common household pet gets treated occasionally. One can buy over the counter treatments for animals without any question. But we humans and our medical establishment think that we are exempt from such critters. Reviewing the literature, one finds out that this just isn’t true. Parasites are reported to be a leading, if not the number one, cause of death in the world. Several books I have read on parasites suggest that eighty to ninety percent of the population in the United States have human round worms or other similar parasites. Yet, our medical establishment almost totally ignores the possibility they could be doing us some harm. It is as if they have their head in the sand.

As the day to go to Millan’s fasting retreat approached, I called her to ensure that she understood my problem. She assured me in a matter of fact way. Both my wife and I flew down to San Diego on a Monday to start the seven day fast and cleansing.

During the first couple of days we were doing a routine detoxification fast with colon cleansing. Not much action was happening on the parasite front. I asked Millan for some Diatomaceous Earth to facilitate killing some little critters. Sure enough, the next day, some things that looked like large round worms appeared in the view tube. Millan didn’t say too much. Up to now, she had not included any parasite cleanse in her fasting retreats. That afternoon, I stopped at a natural food store and bought an herbal parasite cleanse product to help out in cleaning out parasites. The next day was an eye opener. A round worm about thirty inches long passed through the view tube. Millan states: “Oh my God! I have never seen anything like that before!”

I had. I had measured several of them back home over the last two months or so that were well over twenty inches. Something about seeing one of these in person makes a believer out of you. Millan, who was also fasting and cleansing with us, picked up some parasite cleanse product for herself that very afternoon.

The next morning she took me into her personal bathroom where she was examining some stool and exclaiming that she was expelling worms. She was right. There was a great sample of worms from small to large in the stool. There were now three believers, my wife, Millan, and myself.

Later that evening, we all go to a private cabin in the close by mountains. Fasting and colon hydrotherapy must have dislodged a lot of old material in my large intestine, thereby, eliminating the home of some round worms. About six thirty I started to get a massive gut ache. By eight o’clock I was in total misery. By eight thirty I couldn’t even stand up because of the pain at my splenic and hepatic flexures in my large intestine. I could not remember an ache in my intestines as intense as that any time even though I had lived with intestinal problems all of my life. Either I had to go to the hospital or else have an emergency unscheduled enema right now.

Fortunately, Millan had an enema kit at the cabin. Out came several massive dead round worms. A picture is included in the picture section of a couple of them. This confirmed my suspicions that when round worms die they give off toxins to paralyze the intestine, promoting the probability of continued infection from future generations. Of course, this wasn’t a scientific observation. Just a personal hypothesis of what was taking place in my life. No matter the actual cause of the pain, it was gone as soon as I flushed out those dead little critters.

Another point I should record is that after getting rid of these parasites, I immediately felt better. By morning, I felt a new sense of wellness.

The rest of our fast was relatively uneventful but a few notes should be recorded. I continued to expel dead worms for the duration of the stay and even a few weeks afterwards. Some evidence from another client indicated that they passed what looked like some stones and flukes when the fast and colonic treatment was supplemented with a parasite cleanse program. A picture of this is included in the picture section. I realize that what the picture shows is open to interpretation and no professional parasitologist has been consulted. Also, some evidence of parasites was left by a couple of clients unknowingly. When they finished up the colonic by sitting on the toilet, they deposited some suspicious material that was probably something like packets of eggs from worms. This material refused to go down the toilet the first flush.

In a couple of books I have the respective authors suggest that many times parasites will not be eliminated by natural herbs and medicine and that one should take allopathic medicine. Therefore, upon returning home, I decided to seek out some conventional health care for my problem. I got a reference from a friend of a doctor of osteopathy. I figured he would be more open mined to my problem.

I arrived at his office with specimens and pictures in hand for the scheduled appointment. I will admit that he patiently listened to my problem but I don’t think it really registered in his mind how serious I was about my problem and its cause. He made some remark about how Americans think they are squeaky clean and then ordered lab test for my blood and stool sample. That is when I took in the specimen sample referred to above. He also referred me to a gastroenterologist who was also to get copies of the lab results.

To make a long story short, I went to a regular doctor and a specialist seven times in about 4 months. Finally, the specialist did prescribe a single treatment for round worms only, with no follow up. It is my view that this is an unconscionable solution for a person with my background of exposures to parasites for over sixty years. What about amoebas, protozoa, hook worm, tape worm, and flukes, let alone some exotic ones? I have taken the prescription to a drug store to get it filled but haven’t picked it up yet. Since I have gotten fairly good results from herbal cleanse along with fasting and colonics, I may not even take the prescribed medicine. I may just keep it around for a few months in case I don’t resolve the problem with my current program. I will describe this program at the end of this exposé.

After seeing the effectiveness of fasting and colon hydrotherapy for myself and others, I decided that I should buy some professional equipment and get the proper training. Then I could take full advantage of fasting and cleansing the body. As I have been writing this over a period of days, my equipment has arrived and I am expecting certification by the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy in the next few days.

I just got back from the training last weekend. It was truly amazing what went down the view tube from clients who had done proper preparation for the colonic. Probably the most amazing is old fecal material molded to the shape of the large intestine. Who knows how long this had been in there. What toxins and poisons was it harboring and giving off for the body to absorb? Was it providing shelter for a parasite?

Another thing that happened while I was in training was that at least three other individuals started a parasite cleanse while there. Within a day or two of starting, they reported seeing worms directly or suspicious material in their stool. Also, a couple of my friends at work had the same experience.

While administering colon hydrotherapy I saw clients eliminate large amounts material that looked like bile along with what appeared to be toxins removed from the lymph and circulatory systems. One client was eliminating what looked like heavy metals since some very fine material literally sank to the bottom of the view tube. It is becoming obvious to me that colon hydrotherapy is probably the most effective alternative health treatment available to us common people today.

There is more to say about toxins then just eliminating them from the system. Probably not many of the citizens of the United States have dealt with the study of animal husbandry, parasites and worm castings. When a round worm or any other parasite establishes itself in the intestines, it gets first choice of the food ingested. It appears to deliberately secrete chemicals and toxins to promote its species and habitat. Then, after it takes what it wants, a round worm expels the left over as “worm casting”. Just like any other live animal, the material expelled from a worm’s digestive system is full of chemicals and toxins that the worm didn’t want in its body. The host now has to deal with this material. So, not only do these little critters get first cut on our nutrition, we have to process the toxins in their excrement. This puts extra strain on our systems of elimination in addition to reducing the quality and quantity of the nutrients in our circulatory system. Any population of parasites becomes double whammy so to speak.

Let’s talk about what we face each day. We go to the store and use a shopping cart. Who touched the handle last? We go to a business meeting and shake hands with a co-worker. Our children play in parks visited by both wild and domesticated animal. I suppose you are getting the picture. We are exposed to parasites where ever we go and what ever we do.

The spores (cysts) of a common liver fluke can live in the soil for thirty to fifty years. The most extreme environmental conditions won’t kill it. A common round worm can deposit one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand eggs a day. A large tape worm can deposit over a million eggs in one day.

Eliminating exposure to these pests is impossible, especially when we in the United States live in a state of denial. Therefore, the best defense is a good offense. To minimize the menace of parasites in our life I think we must do a few things: Have a good diet; practice good personal hygiene; maintain good intestinal health; do a thorough parasite cleanse at least twice a year; and, maintain a daily vigilance.

At the present time my game plan to minimize parasites is something like this:

Do a three day fast with colonics once a month.
Do a parasite cleanse during and following fast.
Maximize quality fresh foods in my diet.
Insure my intake of bulk is sufficient enough to maintain health eliminations at least once a day.

I almost forgot to write about my blood pressure and cholesterol. Although I started this whole episode simply because of a large amount of fatigue haunting me, I must state that the results of fasting and cleansing are nothing short of phenomenal. My blood pressure went down over twenty points. Most impressive though is the reduction in my cholesterol.

Most all of the lab tests for cholesterol in my adult life came back high. A few times it was over 300 mg/dl. Of course the Triglycerides, HDL and LDL were terrible when compared to the limits set by our modern medical society. My last test for cholesterol came out at 145 mg/dl with the LDL and HDL well within the goals. Simply the most impressive cholesterol numbers I have ever had. The medical doctor and his staff were obviously jealous. I found it nothing short of amazing.

From the time of my childhood, I have always been sensitive to the health of other people just by looking at them. Apparently I could see some fine energy about them and if it wasn’t right, I knew something was wrong. What exactly, I didn’t know unless I had experienced some similar perception before. I really haven’t given this much thought over the years but I write this, one of my first memories comes back.

I was about 2-3 years old living in the wilderness North of Spokane Washington in the log cabin referred to above. I kept having recurring dreams of worms crawling through my body, especially in the area of my stomach. Actually, the experience was more like an observer based in pure consciousness observing self. Over the years I passed this off as a type of dream that would be common to a small child. But, as I write this, I realize that this was probably my sub-conscious telling me I had a problem. When I woke up at night yelling and screaming about the worms crawling in my, my dear old pop didn’t have much sympathy for me. I was assured by my mother that I did not have worms crawling through me. This experience has been re-awakened in my mind.

It has become obvious to me that the class of living things we call parasites have evolved to live in the human body with minimum detection by us. They have learned how to degrade our immune system by secreting chemicals and toxins. This lets them hide out in our intestines without further resistance from our body. They get the best nutrients. They use our body as a garbage dump. They hide from being expelled when normal bowel movements take place. They produce enough eggs and cysts to perpetuate their species for eternity. They are well adapted to resist death from herbal and allopathic medicines. They were here before us. They will probably be here after us. They are in human existence to stay. No one, I repeat, no one is exempt from their attack.

What follows is section of selected pictures. I took each of them. They are not pretty to look at. They are disgusting. They are real. Please do not look at them or continue reading if you are not serious in improving your health and well being.

These were just a couple from the night at the fasting retreat that I was in terrible pain.
A couple of them measured above 20 inches but we did not have the facilities to record this.

A solid mass of worms. This was one of several globs, some much bigger.

This was taken about a week after I got back from the week fast at Millan’s place. Although one can’t quite see it in this picture, this little critter is at least 18 inches long as documented on the original photograph.

A client on a fast and parasite cleanse expelled while finishing up a colonic. This individual had no history of constipation or digestive complaints. Upon close examination, it looked like maybe gallstones and large flukes encrusted with feces.

very strange gelatinous material directly after a colonic. I suppose some would simply call it mucus but it seemed to have a membrane associated with it. Perhaps it was all one shortly before being expelled.

A pack of worms in the view tube during a colonic session.

The next morning three days of colonics (without a parasite cleanse) the client expelled this.

The stool was riddled with smaller worms. Part of it is displayed below.


christine said...

Wow this is EXACTLY what I experienced. No one woud believe me for the last several years even when I brought a bottle into the doctors office of the specimans.

Grace J Power said...

What a great testimonial. I love that you took the process all the way through and continued to get rid of more and more parasites. My husband and I are doing a parasite cleanse right now. It is our first one and we are on day 12. Your story encourages me to stick with the program to make sure we kill as many parasites as possible. I have never done an enema, so I am a little concerned that if I get the terrible pains that you were describing that I may not be prepared in how to handle it. I think I will look into how to give myself an enema. I did read something about doing a coffee enema while doing the parasite cleanse.
As you were describing your childhood, it reminded me how we would play in the sandbox but it was also used as a litter box for the cats, so I imagine I was exposed to parasites then. I do remember some of our cats having worms and my parents giving them medicine for it. We also were right next to a dairy farm and we often played in the cow field with all the cow pies. We were always running around barefoot in the summer time. I have generally always been healthy but I often feel more tired than I'd like to, even when getting 8 hours of good sleep. I am hoping the parasite cleanse helps increase my energy level.

Sarasmith72 said...

Hi I noticed you say your from eastern Washington. I'm in the Ellensburg area and am having a lot of trouble with parasites and my doctors are of no help. How does a person go about getting help from you? As I've been feeling very sick lately and now have 3 modules on right side of my thyroid as well as 1 large noduel on the left side. Along with a rather big cyst growing on the top right side of my stomach next to my rib cage. And have been suffering with a lot of pain, headaches and no energy whatsoever.

Sarasmith72 said...

This is an amazing testimony. I truly could use some help with this as doctors have been no help at all. It's as if just talking about it intimidates them. If you still over here on the eastside and if your helping people through this is live to be able to talk with you as my health has really gone down hill this year and I know it's due t parasites as I see them in my bowel movements and actually feel them on my skin.